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One of the tough things about Twitter can be keeping your messages short to fit within the 140 character limit. Here are a few quick tips.

Change ‘you’ to ‘u’
Change ‘and’ to ‘&’
Change ‘your’ to ‘ur’
Instead of ‘for’ to ‘4’
Change ‘to’ or ‘too’ to ‘2’
Change ‘before’ to ‘b4’
Change ‘favorite’ to ‘fave’
Change ‘great’ to ‘gr8’
Change ‘later’ to ‘l8r’
Change ‘people’ to ‘peeps’ or ‘ppl’
Change ‘are’ to ‘r’
Change ‘please’ to ‘plz’
Change ‘thanks’ to ‘thx’
Change ‘with’ to ‘w’